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Holiday firm Sun4u entered into administration at 2100hrs on Wednesday 11th August 2010, leaving 40 staff out of work.

The Birmingham based company, also traded as sun4u holidays, sun4u direct,OnTheCaseHolidays.co.uk, FlyBeachSun.co.uk, Bonusbreakaways.com and Golden Sun4U.com, booked around 50,000 customers per year and specialised on holidays to Spain. Although sun4u used the internet as a source of business, they mainly advertised on Teletext TV and Teletextholidays.co.uk.

Sun4u also had an ATOL licence with the CAA, however, ABTA's claims handlers CEGA will handle all Sun4u's claims. Please call them direct on 01243 621 500.

Anyone who has had a holiday booked with Sun4u can rebook their holiday with UlookUbook by calling the sales number at the top of this page or by booking online using our search facility.