Hotel Overview
Our prime amenities like convention and banquet facilities, a pool and a play land draw families from around the country. Want even more play on your vacation? The Plymouth Playhouse Theater is located on-site. A great restaurant and lounge, the Green Mill, serves up delectable cuisine. Guests of this Plymouth hotel don't have to worry about breakfast. The most important meal of the day is on us. You deserve to kick the morning off in style. The Plymouth Ice Center is also nearby for guests who are itching to hit the ice. The Medina Ballroom hosts numerous special events so if you're in town for a wedding or other festivities, you don't need to travel far. Of course, guests of this Plymouth hotel who are craving to paint the town red aren't far from downtown Minneapolis. The Target Center, Target Field, Metrodome and TCF Field are calling you. Business travelers are in need of a little pampering. We welcome employees of Polaris® Industries, NuAire, Verizon Wireless and Daikin McQuay International to name just a few. Easy freeway access, abundant free parking and a new breakfast room with more options are just a few of the perks. Make the easy choice of this Plymouth hotel and rest assured your every need will be taken care of. Book a relaxing stay at the BEST WESTERN Plymouth Hotel & Conference Center. Enjoy your stay.
2705 North Annapolis Lane
Minneapolis - MN
United States of America